Anatswanashe is Shona name that means Perfected by God.
Gender: Females
Anashe isa Shona name that means “One who is with god.”
Akatendeka is a Shona name that means faithful.
Aizivaishe is a Shona name that means God Knows.
Dzinashe is a Shona name that means It is with the Lord.
Gender: Males
Tonderayi is a Shona name that means Remembrance.
Tauya is a Shona name that means we are here, or we are arrived.
Tamuka is a Shona name that means We have awaken.
Mazvita is a Shona name that means Thank you.
Kutenda is a Shona unisex name that means to thank.
Gender: M & F
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