Masibulele is a Xhosa name that means let us give thanks.
Gender: Males
Makabongwe is a Xhosa name that means let Him (God) be praised.
Malibongwe is a Xhosa bane that means let it (His name) be praise.
Lwazi is a Nguni name that means knowledge.
Lifa is a Nguni name that means Inheritance.
Jongilanga is a Xhosa name that means watch/look at the sun
Jongikhaya is a Xhosa name that means watch over the home.
Is a Xhosa name given to boys that means be joyful.
Siya is a shortened version of Siyamthanda, Siyabonga, Siyavuya, etc. basically any Nguni name that starts with Siya
Gender: M & F
Siyamthanda means we love him in isiXhosa. Is is usually shortened to Siya
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